To prevent unnecessary C02 generation during transport, we limit the distance our clothes travel by shipping our orders directly to you from where they're manufactured.

Eliminating extra fulfilment centres might mean your order will take a little longer to arrive, but every air mile we avoid saves about 24kg of C02 from entering the atmosphere.

Patience for mother nature

We aim to dispatch all orders within 1-4 working days. Sometimes during busy periods this can be a bit longer.

Once your order is dispatched we'll send a tracking confirmation email and you can add on the following shipping time estimates...


7-14 working days


7-20 working days


7-20 working days


10-20 working days


10-30 working days

Additional Shipping Information:

United States of America (USA)
We use the USPS as the local courier for the delivery of your parcel. If you are expecting your parcel but know that you will not be in to receive it, it is recommended to leave a note at your door/postbox asking the courier to leave your parcel in a safe location. If no safe location is available, kindly ask that the USPS are to leave a card in your door/postbox that states delivery was attempted but not successful. The card left by USPS should have the parcel reference number on it, which you can take to the USPS depot to collect your parcel. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE CANNOT DELIVER TO ADDRESSES THAT HAVE P O BOX NOS IN THEM.

When placing your order please make sure you provide a contact telephone number so local couriers can contact you if you are not in to receive your parcel. Please take your care when filling out your address as an error in the address will lead to the parcel being returned to a central warehouse requiring a reshipping fee for delivery. For all Norwegian customers, we must have a contact telephone number in order to ship your parcel.

For deliveries to Hong Honk we require your contact telephone number. Please provide this when placing your order. This ensures ease of delivery and allows the courier to get in touch with you if there are problems with your order.

South Korea
For customers from South Korea, we require a PCC ( Personal Clearance Code ) number to pass through South Korean customs. Please provide this when completing your order. If you do not have this number you can get it by visiting your local customs website. If you provide them your name and date of birth, they will issue you this number.

Chile and Brazil
For customers from Chile and Brazil, we need a tax ID (TIN) number to pass through Chilean and Brazilian customs. Please provide this tax ID number when completing your order.

As a general note - If you forget to provide this extra information (such as ID numbers, PCCs, telephone numbers etc.) it's no problem! Our team will get in touch with you via the email address you provided when you placed your order.



Pop us an email and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.